As An Artist, Writer, Photographer, Fine Crafter

Browsing Archive: June, 2013


Posted by Gail Daley on Thursday, June 20, 2013, In : Developing Your Skills 

Presentation is everything; especially on the internet where the only impression you can make is what is seen by the viewer. A poor presentation can make the difference between getting a sale or not and being accepted into an on-line show. For the judges to get an accurate idea of your art, the image you send must match the colors in the art and be sharp and clear. For many of us, taking a good photograph of our art is hard. Before sending off the photo of your art your art 1) make sure tha...

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Browsing Archive: June, 2013


Posted by Gail Daley on Thursday, June 20, 2013, In : Developing Your Skills 

Presentation is everything; especially on the internet where the only impression you can make is what is seen by the viewer. A poor presentation can make the difference between getting a sale or not and being accepted into an on-line show. For the judges to get an accurate idea of your art, the image you send must match the colors in the art and be sharp and clear. For many of us, taking a good photograph of our art is hard. Before sending off the photo of your art your art 1) make sure tha...

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